Work Place


Our telecottage members must offer public access to computers and other IT equipment, provide training facilities, and supply services to assist other businesses. Here is an alphabetical listing of telecentres.

Office work used to be undertaken in offices primarily because, like manufacturing, it made sense to have all the expensive equipment housed in one place and have the people travel to operate it. But in the 21st century, computers and communication tools no longer take up huge areas of floor space and usually fit into a briefcase or sometimes even into a pocket. It therefore makes sense from an individual, organisational, and environmental point of view NOT to have everyone travel to do their work all in one place, but to have their work distributed to them, wherever they may be.

Workspaces are now more varied. They could be an individual office, a hotdesk, a cybercafe, an hotel room, train compartment, as well as a home office, telecentre or business centre.